Statue Process
The statues were constructed from life size sketches based on the measurements provided to me by the victims' family. From there I created forms from cardboard. Wire mesh wrapped around the cardboard forms and I used the durability of the mesh to sculpt details. I then used plaster of paris strips over the mesh to create a rigid form for the clothes to cover.

Telling Their Stories
Each victim statue has a name tag which features a small bit of the story behind the statue. Once the story is read, there is a prompt for the person engaging the statue to see more of the story and visit the website to find out how to take action. During more formal events, our team brings along a few mobile devices with the Unforgotten application installed. The app scans the name tags and unlocks audio and video of home recordings.

AGENCY / FCB Chicago
ROLE / Art Direction, Design, Sculpture
PRODUCTION / Lord & Thomas